5 Ways to Calm the Calendar Chaos - Get It Here
May 7, 2024

How to Get More Done Without Working Longer Hours (Ep. 1)

How to Get More Done Without Working Longer Hours (Ep. 1)

Does your overflowing to-do list force you to work long after the sun goes down? Or have you trying to cram in time to catch up in the mornings or on weekends just to get everything done? 

Each day we might cross off a few things but add a dozen more until we feel like we’re hopelessly running on a treadmill in a dark tunnel with no end in sight. 

In this conversation, I’m going to share how you can finally break free of that never-ending to-do list and get more done without working longer hours. By the end, you’ll have a better way to organize your day and understand how to prepare to be most productive.

Because you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your health, date nights or family dinners to get everything done.

Here's where you can access 5 Ways to Calm the Calendar Chaos:

00:00 Breaking Free from the Never-Ending To-Do List
01:57 Introducing the Daily Big Three Strategy
10:27 Maximizing Productivity with Your Superhuman Time
15:36 Prioritizing Focus for Maximum Efficiency
21:27 Implementing Guardrails for Work-Life Balance
23:35 Closing Thoughts and Additional Resources

Follow me on Instagram for more time management tips:



00:00:01.169 --> 00:00:05.969
Does your overflowing to-do list force you to work long after the sun goes down?

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Or have you trying to cram in extra time to catch up in the morning or on weekends?

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Each day, we might cross a few things off.

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It was more get added until we just feel like we're constantly running on this treadmill in a dark tunnel with no end in sight.

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Well in this conversation, I'm going to share with you how you can finally break free of that.

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Never ending to do list.

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And get more done without working longer hours.

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By the end, you'll have a better way to organize your day and understand.

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How you can prepare to be your most productive.

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Because you shouldn't have to sacrifice your health.

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Date nights or family dinners to get everything done.

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As women, it's easy to feel over-scheduled over tired and some days just over it.

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It's time to ditch the guilt.

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Still get things done and have time left for ourselves and the most important people in our lives.

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How do we do that?

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You're about to find out.

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Hey there.

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My name is Jenna.

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And here you'll find the latest biohacks mindset shifts and calendar control strategies.

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To get you to the other side of busy.

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I'll bring you insights on how to get more done during the Workday so you can shut it off.

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And prioritize what truly matters.

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In today's conversation.

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I'm not only going to help you escape that hopeless, never ending to do list.

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They get more done without working longer hours.

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Make sure you stick around to the end where I'll share with you one change you can make to your day that will have an immediate impact on your productivity.

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And once you do it, you'll wonder why you ever worked those long hours in the first place.

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All right.

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So let's dive in.

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I have for you.

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Three strategies to help you get more done without working longer hours.

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Strategy number one.

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Throw out the to-do list.

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Now let's be honest, how many things are on that list right now?

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A hundred.

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There's some research done a couple of years ago that surveyed working professionals and 60% of them said they had 65 or more things on their to-do list for the week.

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That's a whole lot of things to get done in five days.

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15% of those people said they had over a hundred.

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So even if we cross a few of those things off every day, we still have dozens of things staring back at us.

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It's no wonder why we are left feeling overwhelmed and drained by these things.

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Who said that a to-do list was such a good idea.

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Staring at a list of hundreds of things.

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It doesn't make me feel accomplished.

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Does it make you feel accomplished?

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It's clear that the to-do list isn't serving us.

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So what could we do instead?

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Well, the first thing we can do is shift this idea that everything on that to-do list is created equal.

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Buying stamps or dog food and finishing an important business proposal or writing that job description.

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That's going to get you the help that you need to free up some time to do meaningful work.

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All of those things aren't created equal.

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To do lists don't have priorities.

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They don't have filters for us.

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It's just a long list of things.

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And so we stare at the long list of things.

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And feel drained.

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So first.

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Take a deep breath and understand.

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That everything on that list.

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Doesn't carry the same weight.

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All right.

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The second realization and mindset shift we need to have.

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Is that we don't need to do everything on that list.

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Or even all at once.

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So rather than staring at a list of a hundred things and feeling that emotional weight of how am I.

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We're going to get all of these things done.

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I invite you to just focus on three.

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So take out post it note, or if you're driving in your car, maybe think through this.

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Rather than the hundred things that you wish you could get done this week.

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If you could only get three things done this week.

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What should they be?

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These are the most important high leverage, timely things that are going to move you forward.

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So research says that as humans, it's really hard for us to focus on more than three things.

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One would be great, but certainly no more than three.

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And that's why the to-do list is overwhelming.

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So if you create, for example, a daily big three, Rather than that to do list, you will understand that these are the biggest three priorities for your day.

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Now before you shut me down.

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And say, Jenna, there's no way I can make progress by only doing three things.

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Let's do a little mental math.

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So let's take a daily, big three.

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Times 250 working days in a year, right?

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That's 750 high leverage actions.

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That's a lot of progress on your goals.

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And after you do that daily, big three everyday, then you can go back to some of that busy work, maybe some of those other things that aren't as high of a priority.

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That may be still need to get done at some point in life.

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Alright, by focusing on a daily big three.

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You get the most important work done.

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So typically the next question I get then is general.

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What's the most important work.

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I'm glad you asked.

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Prioritizing is one of the biggest struggles I see working with clients.

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And it's because we just, we don't know where to start.

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We are not given the tools to filter out what's most important.

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So have you heard of the Eisenhower matrix?

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Eisenhower was president of the United States.

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And he used this to really help him as president filter through what was most important in what deserved his time.

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So think about a matrix in terms of importance and urgency.

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All right.

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And that first.

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Would be what's most important and what's most urgent, right?

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We'll call that quadrant one.

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That is the do section.

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So those are the things that absolutely positively need to get done.

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And under a schedule.

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So that's the, do those are things that should make your daily big three.

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They might be things like finish that job listing so we can make a new hire.

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Uh, finish that paperwork that needs to get off to the attorney.

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To include in the articles of incorporation for this new piece of business.

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These are the things that are urgent.

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And important.

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All right.

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If it is important.

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But not urgent.

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Those are the things that you schedule.

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So let's say it's finishing a business proposal, but you said it wasn't going to be done for a week.

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And that was great with the prospect.

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Then you maybe can schedule that for tomorrow.

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It makes tomorrow's daily big three.

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Not today's.

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So, if it is important and urgent, Perfect for today's daily.

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Big three, if it is important, but not urgent.

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Perfect to be scheduled in the future.

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And I would argue.

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That if it is not important or not urgent.

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Those things shouldn't be done at all.

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All right quickly, if it is.

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Timely meaning it's urgent, but it's not important.

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Those are the things you should be delegating.

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All right.

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So back to what makes the daily big three.

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The first filter of what goes on that list is what is important.

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And urgent.

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All right.

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After you think through that.

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Then start looking at your goals.

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A lot of folks that I work with get stuck in paralysis analysis on how do I make progress on this goal?

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But they forget that.

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Each goal.

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It's just broken down into a series of small steps.

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How do we get from here to the next state?

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We take one step at a time.

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After you get the urgent and important on the list.

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Look at your goals and say, what is the next best action that I can take?

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And move me toward that goal and put that on the daily big three.

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So for example, If one of my professional goals was to start a podcast.

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Something that might make my daily big three might be researching podcasting hosts.

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That would be something that is going to move me toward my goal of hosting a podcast.

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All right.

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If you have a goal of adding so many new clients, maybe something that goes on your daily, big three.

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Is a certain number of reach-outs or attending a networking event.

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Whatever's going to move you toward that client acquisition goal.

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That's great for the daily big three.

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Now as you're considering this daily big three, I also want you to remember that you are not a one dimensional human being work is not the only thing that you do, right?

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You have relationships, you have spirituality, you have to take care of your health.

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Uh, maybe you're a parent.

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Maybe you are a caregiver, right?

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So there are certainly other things that might fall into this.

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So keep that in mind, as you're setting this daily, big three, if you're running an aging parent, Off to an appointment.

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That means you have to take off work at two o'clock or leave your home office at two o'clock.

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Maybe you only have a daily big too for work things.

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And then the daily big three is just to show up.

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To be present.

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Ron time, take mom to that appointment.

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So think about the daily big three in terms of the broad perspective and not just work.

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All right.

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I promise if you focus on three, you're going to feel more accomplished than you ever did with that really long to-do list.

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So I invite you.

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To the rest of this week or.

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Uh, maybe this day even think about what are the most important three things that you could get done to move you toward your goals.

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All right.

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So that's step one to getting more done without working longer hours by focusing on the most important.

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High leverage work.

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That's going to move you forward and letting the busy work.

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Fall away.

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Step two.

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Is to understand when you are most productive.

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All right.

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There's this really interesting.

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Idea called the time energy paradox.

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And it's something that a lot of folks don't rasp when they think.

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Oh, if I work 80 hours a week and you work 40 hours a week, clearly I'm going to get more done.

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That's actually not the case.

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We all know this.

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Because if you ever hold it all night or in college, or you try to work and burn the candle at both ends, we know at some point you hit a wall.

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So there's this time energy paradox.

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And the idea is that while your time is fixed, We all get the same amount of hours in a week.

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Our energy flexes, right.

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There are times when our energy is much higher.

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And much lower.

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So rather than thinking that we can just push through and slog through, let's say 80 hours or even 50 hours a week.

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What if we instead.

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Capitalized on the times in which we had the most energy.

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And then protected that time.

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To get the most important work done.

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All right.

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I like to call this your superhuman time.

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So everyone's got a little bit of a different archetype around this.

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You might've heard of energy archetypes, but it's this idea that if you only had two hours today to do the work.

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When would you want to do it?

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You know, there's some morning people who are like, I really love working from about nine o'clock to 11 o'clock that's when I get the most work done.

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There are others who say LA.

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Late afternoon, give me two to four or three to five.

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I was talking to a business owner last week, who said like 10 to midnight is when I am my most creative.

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Whatever that is for you.

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Ask yourself.

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If you only had two hours to work today.

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When would you love that time to be.

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Now, why is this important?

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It's because if you are trying to get your daily big three, your highest leverage work done from three to five.

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But you've hit a wall.

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You have no energy.

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You've got this like energy crash.

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Maybe your blood sugar drops from lunch or whatever the thing is.

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You are not going to be as productive in those two hours.

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So if you're a morning person, Two hours in the morning might be worth so much more to you.

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Then two hours in the afternoon or evening.

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So understanding this about yourself is really important.

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It's so step one here is identifying.

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When is your superhuman time?

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For me?

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It's nine to 11 for the kindness book with last week, who is a creative graphic designer.

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I tend to midnight, right?

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Whatever that is for you identify it.

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Step two then.

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Is blacken, put it on your calendar in guard at.

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Honor it.

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What does that even mean?

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It means don't take meetings during this time.

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Don't decide to take an appointment or get your workout in, in this time, right?

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This time is sacred.

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So if, for example, your superhuman time is like mine.

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It's nine to 11.

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I really try not to take meetings during that time.

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And I have a focus block on my calendar that says focus time.

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And in those two hours, that's what I focus on my daily big three.

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All right.

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Once you've identified this once you've put it on your calendar and you've started protecting it by not putting meetings or things over top of it.

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Then it's really important to have conversations with those around you about why you are protecting this time.

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So, for example, if you work on a team, it'd be really important to communicate your superhuman time to your team.

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Let's say you have a team leader who wants to hold meetings in the middle of your superhuman time.

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It'd be really helpful for you to have a conversation that says, you know, I am, I understand that these meetings are important for our team.

00:14:20.942 --> 00:14:24.753
This is really when I feel like I show up and get the most work done.

00:14:24.993 --> 00:14:26.883
Would it be possible to shift these meetings?

00:14:27.153 --> 00:14:29.192
You know, to the afternoon or two another time.

00:14:29.192 --> 00:14:32.373
So I could really protect this and do more for our team.

00:14:33.243 --> 00:14:35.613
Let's say as a business owner.

00:14:36.123 --> 00:14:39.092
You have clients who want to schedule during that time.

00:14:39.302 --> 00:14:48.243
It's as simple as saying, I have another commitment and you, do you have a commitment to yourself to get the most important high leverage work done during that time?

00:14:48.903 --> 00:14:54.033
It might also be that you are again, let's go back to the caregiving example.

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I had a client last week who was talking about.

00:14:56.763 --> 00:15:01.952
How she runs her mom to a lot of appointments, and sometimes she gets a lot of phone calls from her mom.

00:15:02.462 --> 00:15:04.383
And that can interrupt her time.

00:15:05.072 --> 00:15:09.273
But by communicating to her mom that she really needed.

00:15:09.543 --> 00:15:14.043
For her, it was 10:00 AM to noon to get her most important work done.

00:15:14.373 --> 00:15:20.163
She was able to clear those distractions really focused during that time and then show up for her mom.

00:15:20.312 --> 00:15:27.182
Well, outside of that time, And her mom was really grateful to give her that time because she was serving her in so many other ways outside of that time.

00:15:27.663 --> 00:15:27.962

00:15:27.962 --> 00:15:35.883
So identify your superhuman time and protect it, communicate it to those who are really going to need to know about it so they can support you in that way.

00:15:36.543 --> 00:15:36.722
All right.

00:15:36.722 --> 00:15:44.493
And then strategy number three, to get more done during work hours is to prioritize your focus, right?

00:15:44.493 --> 00:15:47.253
So let's say you have your superhuman time.

00:15:47.702 --> 00:15:49.413
And you show up whatever that is.

00:15:49.413 --> 00:15:51.452
Let's use nine to 11 as an example.

00:15:52.143 --> 00:15:57.873
But last night I stayed up until 1:00 AM watching something on Netflix.

00:15:58.773 --> 00:16:03.243
Well, I probably didn't get as much sleep as I wanted, which means I'm probably a little groggy.

00:16:03.243 --> 00:16:12.123
So when I show up at 9:00 AM to do the work, to sit down and really focus, my brain probably isn't fully here is if I would've got a really good night's sleep.

00:16:12.962 --> 00:16:20.913
Or maybe you had a, a girls' night and you had a few more glasses of wine than you might normally have on a regular evening.

00:16:20.942 --> 00:16:25.773
And so your brain is working at a little slower pace, or maybe you're a little groggy.

00:16:25.773 --> 00:16:27.332
You have some fog there, right?

00:16:27.572 --> 00:16:31.832
You're not showing up as the best version of you to get things done.

00:16:32.222 --> 00:16:38.312
And so your work hours might end up stretching because you're not as effective with the work hours that you have.

00:16:39.123 --> 00:16:48.663
So the importance here is to prioritize doing what you need to do so you can show up well for the work and get it done.

00:16:49.232 --> 00:16:50.432
What does this look like?

00:16:50.462 --> 00:16:53.072
Well, let me use a racing example.

00:16:53.072 --> 00:16:59.942
If any of you have ever done any kind of competition, maybe you can relate, but I used to run half marathons.

00:17:00.033 --> 00:17:04.173
And so the day before a race, really the 48 hours before a race, our key.

00:17:04.532 --> 00:17:07.682
But especially the night before a race is extremely important.

00:17:08.403 --> 00:17:08.613

00:17:08.613 --> 00:17:12.182
So we went, uh, for my, one of my birthdays.

00:17:12.182 --> 00:17:18.123
We went and did the half iron man from, or half Ironman, half marathon from Napa Sonoma.

00:17:18.542 --> 00:17:21.873
And so we were traveling with my six month old at the time.

00:17:22.323 --> 00:17:24.843
And I knew we needed a good night's rest.

00:17:24.903 --> 00:17:28.143
So we had a great dinner the night before, so we had nutrition.

00:17:28.413 --> 00:17:30.663
We hydrated really well the day before.

00:17:30.663 --> 00:17:35.792
So we would be set to go there and I went to bed early to have a great night's rest.

00:17:35.823 --> 00:17:36.093

00:17:36.153 --> 00:17:38.042
All of the things that I wanted to do.

00:17:38.252 --> 00:17:42.363
So I could show up for the race the next morning, prepared and ready to go.

00:17:42.692 --> 00:17:47.432
So that's in an ideal world, what it would look like to show up and focus.

00:17:47.732 --> 00:17:49.383
Now, what can derail that?

00:17:49.383 --> 00:17:56.913
Well, my six month old waking up in the middle of the night and not going back to sleep that could make me show up and not focus and, and perform in a way I wanted.

00:17:57.722 --> 00:18:08.462
So I hope that example helps, but there's a lot of other things that kind of get in the way of us showing up as our best selves for that superhuman time or just for any meetings that we have even.

00:18:09.242 --> 00:18:09.843

00:18:10.472 --> 00:18:13.292
What do you need to do before you show up to work?

00:18:13.353 --> 00:18:14.853
So you can show up?

00:18:14.942 --> 00:18:16.682
Well, All right.

00:18:16.712 --> 00:18:20.073
So that might include things like getting enough sleep.

00:18:20.553 --> 00:18:22.593
Making sure you are.

00:18:23.823 --> 00:18:28.143
Uh, getting in the nutrition that you need in the morning, so that you're full.

00:18:28.593 --> 00:18:33.363
And can focus and you're not, you know, your belly's not rumbling to go off and grab a snack.

00:18:34.022 --> 00:18:39.123
Uh, maybe it means for you that you need to black out distractions, right?

00:18:39.182 --> 00:18:40.143
Our phones.

00:18:40.472 --> 00:18:43.982
Go off 350 times a day.

00:18:44.252 --> 00:18:52.563
If this thing is what's pulling you away and showing up focused, then what do you need to do to prevent that distraction from happening?

00:18:53.012 --> 00:19:00.542
Or maybe that distraction is keeping you up late and you're not getting the sleep you need to really show up and focus on the work for your brain to be sharp.

00:19:00.873 --> 00:19:02.732
And get that work done as quickly as you could.

00:19:04.022 --> 00:19:09.542
And finally, I want to just really emphasize this idea of rest.

00:19:09.873 --> 00:19:18.932
Uh, you will learn this about me, but I really do believe that rest is the most underrated productivity hack we have that we don't leverage enough.

00:19:19.353 --> 00:19:21.242
The CDC says that the American.

00:19:21.573 --> 00:19:24.873
Adult average is six hours asleep, but we really need seven.

00:19:25.173 --> 00:19:25.772
To nine.

00:19:26.252 --> 00:19:29.673
So, what can you do to try to get a good night's rest?

00:19:29.883 --> 00:19:32.643
So your brain can show up, ready to focus all.

00:19:32.673 --> 00:19:32.853

00:19:33.212 --> 00:19:34.593
But rest is not just sleep.

00:19:35.042 --> 00:19:36.932
It's also shutting off work.

00:19:37.532 --> 00:19:38.972
When you are done with work.

00:19:39.603 --> 00:19:40.772
So your brain can.

00:19:41.553 --> 00:19:42.242
Free up.

00:19:42.692 --> 00:19:45.063
And relax and do other things.

00:19:45.423 --> 00:19:58.143
And you'll find that when you're not thinking about work all the time, You come back to work with a free brain, maybe a new perspective that you hadn't thought of because it had that opportunity to let go of it for a minute.

00:19:58.563 --> 00:19:59.133
And come back.

00:19:59.853 --> 00:20:00.153

00:20:00.153 --> 00:20:05.883
It's those things where like you're trying to solve a problem and then you go sleep on it and you wake up with a great idea.

00:20:06.752 --> 00:20:07.083
All right.

00:20:07.083 --> 00:20:15.603
So your third strategy is to prioritize whatever you need to do to really show up focused during those work hours.

00:20:15.752 --> 00:20:20.522
Because if you don't, it will take you a longer amount of time to do the same work.

00:20:21.482 --> 00:20:21.692
All right.

00:20:21.813 --> 00:20:23.343
In a moment, I'm going to share with you.

00:20:23.583 --> 00:20:25.143
One change that you can make.

00:20:25.772 --> 00:20:28.772
Today that will have an immediate impact on your productivity.

00:20:29.252 --> 00:20:29.942
But first.

00:20:30.482 --> 00:20:32.913
If you're ready to hop off that to-do list hamster wheel.

00:20:33.542 --> 00:20:34.083

00:20:34.442 --> 00:20:36.542
Schedule your superhuman time and just.

00:20:37.292 --> 00:20:37.772
Crank it.

00:20:38.252 --> 00:20:39.272
Focus on that work.

00:20:39.663 --> 00:20:40.353
And run.

00:20:40.952 --> 00:20:44.492
But I know that some women need a little extra help and direction.

00:20:44.942 --> 00:20:48.423
So I've put together something pretty great that I'd love to share.

00:20:48.512 --> 00:20:53.222
It's a free resource called five strategies to calm the calendar chaos.

00:20:53.492 --> 00:21:00.873
This is, especially for those of you that have really chaotic calendars feel like you never have time for yourself or to.

00:21:00.932 --> 00:21:02.313
You know, fit in those things.

00:21:02.613 --> 00:21:04.833
Outside of that crazy to-do list.

00:21:05.343 --> 00:21:10.113
So in this, I'll share with you a way to plan your days and your weeks.

00:21:10.413 --> 00:21:15.722
So you can get into a groove and get more done in each working session.

00:21:16.173 --> 00:21:19.173
That'll help you free up valuable time for your priorities outside of work.

00:21:19.532 --> 00:21:23.522
So you can sign up to receive this@theothersideofbusy.com slash chaos.

00:21:23.823 --> 00:21:25.952
Or you can click on the link in the show notes.

00:21:26.853 --> 00:21:27.182
All right.

00:21:27.423 --> 00:21:33.663
I promised you one change that if gone every single day, We'll help you get more done.

00:21:34.292 --> 00:21:35.222
And you can implement it.

00:21:35.762 --> 00:21:36.093

00:21:37.383 --> 00:21:37.833

00:21:38.103 --> 00:21:38.762

00:21:39.363 --> 00:21:44.853
I have guardrails are on the highway to protect your car from careening into danger and chaos.

00:21:45.782 --> 00:21:50.853
But we can also provide the same kind of guardrails to provide you safety on your calendar.

00:21:51.182 --> 00:21:52.532
So what do I mean by guardrails?

00:21:52.563 --> 00:21:53.643
They are a start.

00:21:54.182 --> 00:21:56.522
And a stop time to your Workday.

00:21:57.303 --> 00:22:06.843
And if you Corinne outside, if work expands outside of these guardrails, it can spill into an encroach on your personal commitments.

00:22:07.053 --> 00:22:09.123
Your personal values costing you.

00:22:09.512 --> 00:22:10.383
In the long run.

00:22:11.012 --> 00:22:14.163
So by choosing a consistent start and stop time.

00:22:14.583 --> 00:22:15.333
Every day.

00:22:16.053 --> 00:22:18.782
You are making work contract.

00:22:19.232 --> 00:22:20.222
To those hours.

00:22:20.373 --> 00:22:21.242
So hear me out here.

00:22:21.303 --> 00:22:22.653
There was a guy named Parkinson.

00:22:22.653 --> 00:22:23.492
Maybe you've heard of him.

00:22:23.492 --> 00:22:25.143
He has this thing called Parkinson's law.

00:22:25.653 --> 00:22:32.643
They did a study where they provided work to two different groups in a workplace environment.

00:22:32.762 --> 00:22:35.643
And to the first group, they said, here's your work for today?

00:22:35.942 --> 00:22:38.343
And the second group, they said, here's your work.

00:22:38.343 --> 00:22:39.843
You can leave when you get it done.

00:22:40.413 --> 00:22:41.702
Yes, who got it done more quickly?

00:22:42.063 --> 00:22:43.742
The ones who could leave when they got it done.

00:22:44.133 --> 00:22:46.442
Because they finished the project and left.

00:22:46.803 --> 00:22:51.242
But the first group made the work, expand to the hours allotted.

00:22:51.782 --> 00:22:56.942
So while work can expand to the hours allotted in the same fashion working contract.

00:22:57.242 --> 00:23:00.242
So constraint can be a really powerful tool.

00:23:00.573 --> 00:23:01.143
For us.

00:23:01.413 --> 00:23:02.732
And you've experienced this.

00:23:02.732 --> 00:23:05.042
If you've ever gone on a vacation, right.

00:23:05.042 --> 00:23:06.423
You get more done.

00:23:06.873 --> 00:23:10.442
Dave before you leave on vacation, then maybe you did the four days prior.

00:23:10.833 --> 00:23:13.143
Because you have a deadline, you have constraint.

00:23:13.532 --> 00:23:16.863
And that really gives you focus and motivation.

00:23:17.343 --> 00:23:23.042
So your action step is to choose a start and stop time and put that black in your calendar.

00:23:23.343 --> 00:23:27.063
So you're prompted to leave work or leave your home office desk.

00:23:27.573 --> 00:23:28.143
On time.

00:23:28.833 --> 00:23:33.573
I promise your focus during the day will improve knowing you have this boundary in place.

00:23:35.163 --> 00:23:36.573
I wanted to mention before I go.

00:23:37.173 --> 00:23:41.222
If you're not quite sure where to even get started during your Workday.

00:23:41.673 --> 00:23:42.482
You're not alone.

00:23:43.202 --> 00:23:44.313
I hear this from clients.

00:23:44.792 --> 00:23:46.353
All the time and I want to help.

00:23:46.863 --> 00:23:49.113
Sign up for a free get shit done session.

00:23:49.563 --> 00:23:50.972
And then 30 minutes together.

00:23:51.333 --> 00:23:53.222
We'll take a look at that to do list.

00:23:53.462 --> 00:23:58.413
We'll prioritize it based on the Eisenhower matrix and your most important goals.

00:23:58.833 --> 00:24:01.863
And out of it, we'll help you come up with your daily big three.

00:24:02.673 --> 00:24:12.182
Because you deserve to feel more accomplished at the end of every Workday and the peace of knowing that you can relax, knowing that all that important work that done.

00:24:12.603 --> 00:24:16.863
So you can truly focus and show up for your most important relationships.

00:24:17.282 --> 00:24:19.323
Knowing that all of those things have been handled.

00:24:20.282 --> 00:24:20.583
All right.

00:24:21.063 --> 00:24:21.932
Until next time.

00:24:22.593 --> 00:24:23.343
I'm rooting for you.